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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

What is interview bias?

Recruiting a fundraiser?

You need to be fair, objective, and unbiased if you want to secure the best person for the job.

But this is easier said than done.

Why? Because, much like every other human on the planet, you’re subject to unconscious biases (stereotypes you hold about other people that you aren’t consciously aware of).

And falling foul to them can skew your judgement and result in a bad hire.

Read on for five biases to be aware of, along with some tips to ensure they don’t get in the way of you making a good hire.

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

The end of Facebook fundraising in Europe

Is your charity based in the European Economic Area (EEA?) 

Do you rely on Facebook and Instagram to collect donations online?

If you answered ‘yes’ to both, it’s time to revisit your social media fundraising strategy, as Meta is pulling the plug on charity fundraisers across Europe from the end of June.

Read on to find out more.

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

How to mitigate social media crises

American entrepreneur Warren Buffett once said, “it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

How true this is. Especially in the digital age, where a reputation can be ruined with a single tweet.

Find out how to keep your reputation intact in today’s post

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

Are you making the most of payroll giving?

Give As You Earn (GAYE) has raised over £2 billion for good causes in the UK since the Government launching it in 1987.

But new research shows that the number of employees and employers taking advantage of the scheme has dropped sharply in recent years.

And charities are ‘missing out on millions’ as a result.

Find out why its happened and how you can benefit from it below.

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

Introducing In Kind Direct

Does your charity distribute products to people in need? By ‘products’ we mean toiletries, clothes, office equipment, homeware, or baby items.

Do you pay for them?

If so, before placing your next order, check out our blog post to find out how you can benefit from @InKindDirect.

Follow us on LinkedIn for more handy tips @bamboofundraising

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

How to raise funds for your ‘unpopular’ cause

When it comes to fundraising, not every cause is created equal.

Some issues don’t get the attention or funding they deserve because they’re unpopular, controversial, or, in marketing terms, ‘unsexy’.

Save the panda? Sign me up! Save the ex-offender? No thanks.

Why are some causes more popular than others and what can you do to turn it around? Find out in our latest post.

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

Are our pets the next victims of the cost-of-living crisis?

According to @RSPCA, incidents of animal neglect and abandonment are at a three-year high, with 72,050 reports received in 2023 alone.

The startling statistic is a result of the cost-of-living crisis.

Coupled with the extortionate costs of energy, food and rent, pet parents are being forced to make impossible decisions, and their pets are paying the price.

What’s being done and where can pet owners turn for help? Find out below.

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

Social media stats to inform your digital strategy in 2024

Social media is no longer a nice-to-have. It’s a must-have to succeed in the digital world.

But, to get the most out of it, you need to focus your fundraising efforts on the right platforms.

To help you reach your target market and maximise your social media ROI, we’ve compiled some need-to-know stats and facts for each platform in our latest blog post.

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

The Vagina Museum demonstrates the power of crowdfunding

From labia length to orgasms, The Vagina Museum has bared all since launching in 2019. But the charity faced a major setback last summer when it was unexpectedly turfed out of its Bethnal Green home.

However, it reopened on 4 November in a new location, thanks to a successful crowdfunding appeal.

Find out more in our latest blog post.

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