The Blog

Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

The Captain Tom Foundation: Tarnishing a legacy

In April 2020, Captain Sir Tom Moore raised over £30 million for NHS Charities Together by doing 100 laps of his garden with his walking frame.

Tragically, the WWII veteran died in 2021, but he left an incredible legacy in the form of The Captain Tom Foundation, which his family set up to support "causes close to his heart".

However, four short years later, the Foundation is set to close.

Find out what went wrong and the lessons we can learn in our latest blog post.

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

Five psychological hacks to help you unwind over the festive period

Its been another challenging year for the charity sector. But the end is in sight.

The festive break is the perfect opportunity to grab a glass of mulled wine, put your feet up and enjoy some much-needed R&R.

But that’s easier said than done. For some of us, relaxation doesn’t come easy.

To help you switch off, we’ve compiled five top tips from experts in the fields of health, science, and psychology, and shared them in our latest blog post.

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Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew Advice for charities and non-profits Graham Drew

How can charities rise to the net zero challenge?

The UK Government’s Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener sets out a plan to reach net zero emissions by 2050. This includes reducing the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels, making the transition to clean energy, and investing in green technology. 

For the country to reach this target, it needs the support of the public and every sector – including the third sector. 

Read on to find out how to start your journey to net zero.

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